Good-Better-Best Pricing Guide - Zuora

Good-Better-Best Pricing Guide

Future-Proof Pricing Strategy

This guide is an excerpt of the book, “Digital Pricing Strategy: Capturing Value from Digital Innovations” by Stephan Liozu and Andreas Hinterhuber, in partnership with Zuora’s Subscribed Institute.

You’ll learn critical concepts of Good-Better-Best pricing such as the value and pricing of data, pricing for Industry 4.0, pricing in marketplaces and digital platforms, subscription- and usage-based pricing, and AI-based pricing. You’ll also get the tools to design and deploy these types of pricing strategies for your own business as you shift to new, digital strategies.

How will you determine your pricing and packaging strategies?

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Gaurav Sonpar

Subscription Strategist, Subscribed Strategy Group

michael mansard

Principal Director of Subscription Strategy, Zuora